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The superior leader is in the company to inspect the work

The superior leader is in the company to inspect the work

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Party branch secretary han jigeng visited the difficult staff

Party branch secretary han jigeng visited the difficult staff

0 6611 0
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Vice mayor of xingping wu kai, liu male standing committee to send cool and cool for the company

Vice mayor of xingping wu kai, liu male standing committee to send cool and cool for the company

0 6638 0
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The member of the regiment is a comrade welder

The member of the regiment is a comrade welder

0 5817 0
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Comrade fan fangxia, a communist party member, works in the warehouse

Comrade fan fangxia, a communist party member, works in the warehouse

0 5867 0
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The northwest construction workers donated 15 computers to the xinping village primary school

In 2015, on April 21, the education "double - high double pu" donation ceremony was held in xicheng village primary school.

0 6082 0
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northwest shaanxi xingping construction machinery manufacturing co., LTD.!

address:Shaanxi xingping xicheng district south road south friendship



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Northwest shaanxi xingping construction machinery manufacturing co., LTD

For the record:SHAN ICP BEI06006273 HAO

Technical support:Jieshang Enterprise Business Platform


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